
Showing posts from 2023

What happens when you type '' in your browser and press Enter

  Introduction Several processes run in the background mode before your computer displays the Google homepage when you type "" into your web browser and press the enter key. Thankfully, all of these events take place in a fraction of a second and are invisible to you. Have you ever pondered what actually occurs in the background? 1.     Your browser sends a request to the DNS (domain name system) server, which serves as an address book for all domain names. This then sends back the exact IP address of the server, which points to. 2.     The browser checks for the presence of "https://" at the beginning of the URL. This indicates that a secure, encrypted connection is required between the browser and the website. The browser then initiates a secure handshake with the web server to establish this encrypted connection. 3.     Once the secure connection is established, the browser sends an HTTP request to the server